If you are considering buying some items from Noracora but find them too expensive, you can return them for a refund laws4life. You can return them in less than a week, which is a decent turnaround time in this industry. However, be aware that the funds may not appear in your account right away. This may take up to two weeks, depending on your financial institution.
Noracora’s website has a FAQ section where you can find answers to the most common questions lawyerdesk. This is helpful but should not be your only resource. Noracora’s Policy and Customer Guidance sections provide useful information about how to track your order and make payment. They also have articles about order cancellation and return & exchange policies lawyersmagazine.
The company has received a fair amount of criticism over its poor customer service. While the website is legitimate, the quality of the products has often been questionable. Many consumers have reported that the dresses were not the same as the images, or that the material was inferior publiclawtoday. While the company claims to make all items to order, many consumers have complained about the inability to cancel orders and the difficulty in making returns.
Noracora has a 15-day return policy for customers. Noracora has a reputation for being a reliable source for cheap clothing bestlawyers360. The company is headquartered in China, but operates a facility in the United States. As a B2C online fashion destination, Noracora specializes in women’s fashion. They also provide trendy clothes at reasonable prices.