When you are in the product business in the modern world, it is going to be more than likely that you are also in the delivery business as well. Therefore, if you happen to be shipping products, you certainly need to make sure that you are doing it the right way. Otherwise, you can easily find yourself in a situation in which your customers are going to be left less than satisfied and your overall business will suffer as a direct result of this. Here are a few of the top mistakes to avoid when shipping products to customers.
Not Using Proper Packaging
First up on the list, if you do not use the right type of packaging, you are obviously going to end up in a negative situation as this means that the items are going to end up rattling around and possibly even breaking. Therefore, it is certainly worth spending more money to make sure that you have got the packaging right. You should also make sure that the smaller details are all taken care of, such as making sure that you tape up all the boxes properly before posting them out.
Failing to Use the Right Courier Service
You are also going to find yourself in a major pickle if you have not taken the time to make sure that you are going to be using the right courier service. Ultimately, when considering your shipping work, why not try Shiply to see what a difference this could make to your overall business and what you are trying to achieve? You should also be continually evaluating the current service that you are receiving to work out as and when improvements can be possibly made along the way.
Not Offering a Range of Shipping Options
While you may not be able to offer the same range of shipping options as one of the major services out there such as Amazon, you can still be doing the best that you possibly can to offer as wide a range as possible. For example, if it is a particularly large order that is being sent out, you can always look into the option of offering free shipping as a way of demonstrating to the customer that you are providing some sort of “reward” to them.
Not Making Your Returns Policy Clear
While you may not want any products to come back to you, it is still important that you make the returns policy as clear as it possibly can be. Otherwise, you can easily find yourself in a situation in which you are leaving your customers feeling extremely frustrated as they are not able to send their products back to you in the way that they would like to.
All of these are amongst some of the common mistakes that are worth avoiding when you are shipping products to customers. Ultimately, if you sidestep all of these common issues, you will leave yourself in a much stronger position overall, which can make a big difference to the success of your business in the long term.