For Indian citizens, the ration card is a necessary piece of identification. They are crucial in determining the identity of the individual or family. In essence, a household can enjoy the advantages of the Public Distribution System in India with the help of these cards. In a nutshell, we may say that it is a document that offers total food security. But severe corruption and the requirement for numerous additional paperwork to obtain this have prevented vulnerable groups from obtaining Ration Cards.
Applying for a Ration Card: What to do?
Step 1: Anyone who is a genuine Indian citizen may apply for a ration card. The minors under the age of 18 are covered by their parents’ ration cards. Those who are 18 or older may apply for a separate Ration Card.
Step 2: Ration Cards fall under the BPL (Below Poverty Line) and non-BPL categories, respectively. People who fall under the BPL category receive Blue/ Yellow/ Green/ Red Ration Cards, which vary in colour according on the individual’s eligibility for various subsidies on food, fuel, and other products.
Step 3: A person must go to the appropriate URL depending on the state in which they reside.
You must, however, go to the Department of Food, Supplies, and Consumer Affairs, GNCT of Government of Delhi’s official website if you are applying from Delhi.
Step 4: Have a passport, any government-issued ID card, an Aadhaar card, an employee identity card, a voter identification card, a health card, and a driver’s licence on hand.
To request a new ration card, proceed to step 5 and log into the application portal.
Step 6: To obtain food security, click on the National Food Security Act (NFSA) application form.
Step 7: Enter all of your personal information, provide all necessary supporting papers, and click “Apply Online” to complete the application process.
What advantages do ration cards have?
Following are some advantages a Ration Card holder may enjoy:
- A person with a ration card is eligible to subsidised food grains and basic commodities.
- It is an important document that could be helpful for programmes run by the federal and state governments.
- Ration Cards can be used as residence evidence by someone who wants to apply for additional documents proving their address, such as a Pan Card or a driver’s licence.
- The government uses ration cards as a mechanism to maintain the lowest of the low in terms of living standards.