When a spot breaks through the surface of your skin, there’s nothing that’s quite as soothing and supportive to the whole situation as spot treatment patches. Offering a range of advantages that include stopping you from picking zits and providing a protective barrier, hydrocolloid patches (as they’re otherwise known) provide millions with relief every day.
They started out life as large hydrocolloid sheets used in hospitals for many years, but in recent times, acne product companies spotted how useful they would be for zits - and so the spot patch was born. In this blog, we look at why they shouldn’t be left on too long, but first, we’ll take a glance at how they work to provide some context.
Spot Treatment Patches Soothe & Draw Out the Poison
Spot patches offer more than one benefit. Of course, the first job they carry out is to provide an impermeable barrier against the outside world. Once you’ve cleaned the area and applied the adhesive side over your pimple, it’s sealed in, meaning that no more dirt and grime can get in.
As we mentioned before, this helps you to stop picking your zits - both when you’re awake and asleep. Of course, overnight spot treatment patches are usually used overnight (as the name suggests), but they are often used by people during the day. However, when you’re in the world of dreams, you sometimes scratch yourself without knowing, and spot patches can ensure that doesn’t cause too much damage.
The other important job that spot patches carry out is to draw out the pus, dead skin cells and all other stuff you don’t want around. This ability leads us rather neatly to why they need to be refreshed and replaced each and every day.
Spot Patches Get Full & Need Refreshing
Most people sleep around 6-8 hours a night. So, when applying spot patches before going to bed, taking them off when you wake up feels natural. If you ever feel lazy one day and think about leaving them in place - don’t. You should be able to see the stuff that it’s drawn out if you’ve been wearing them for 6-8 hours, which tells you why taking them off at this point is a wise idea.
Once they get full, they stop benefiting your pimp and start impacting it, as there’s nowhere for more debris from your spot to go. As such, they need to be removed, with the spot needing to be cleaned again after removal. Many times, you’ll find that a second patch is needed to finish the job, so make sure to take them off in good time, or you’ll end up suffering.
Take Off Your Spot Treatment Patches In Good Time
As ever, with any kind of cosmetic product, you have to follow the instructions, or you’re simply not going to get the full benefit they offer. Make sure that you place spot patch removal at the top of your list of priorities in the morning, or it will result in more breakouts and spots that just won’t go.