Jewelry gives us immense happiness, they become part of our lifestyle, we wear them wherever we go and there are people who are known for the type of jewelry they wear.
regardless of whether it is a recent acquisition or a cherished family heirloom. No matter where they came from these delicate pieces of jewelry need regular upkeep and cleaning as without that they might lose their radiance or sparkle or else they might intake some damages which cannot be reversed.
Hence maintaining your jewelry is a crucial aspect of owning one.
In this article, we will go through the Do’s of jewelry cleaning.
Significance of Maintaining and Cleaning Your Jewelry
Jewelry is among those accessories that are worn everywhere by people. While working, at home, on vacation, when sick, mostly in all aspects of life. As a result, they frequently get exposed to chemicals, grime, and dust. This will result in the jewelry looking dull or the metal might tarnish, and the quality in all might depreciate.
This is the main reason why most of the jewelry that people own doesn’t last long, so if you want your priced jewelry from Evry Jewels to last long, spark, and shine through time, then proper cleaning and maintenance is the only option.
Do’s of Jewelry Cleaning and Maintenance
If you want your prized possessions to last longer than maintaining them is necessary, you can do the same by following the below-mentioned procedure:
Cleaning It Regularly
Jewelry is often brought for its shine, design, and overall aesthetic look that they bring with themselves. But keep in mind, if not cleaned regularly then all these features for which it was brought in the first place would fade away and all that will remain would be a designed piece of metal. Hence cleaning off the dirt and grime, and polishing it after dirt removal will help to keep all those features alive.
Store It safely
Jewelry, in general, is a delicate piece of artifact, it is made with so much care and precision that when handled roughly it might intake some damage. Hence finding the perfect place to store these valuable possessions is important. Each jewelry item should be kept at a distance from others so there is no entanglement. A separate box needs to be maintained just to keep them away from any harm.
Take It off When While Sleeping or Any Specific Activities
Many people tend to wear their jewelry wherever they go, even while they are sleeping or taking a shower. It is advisable to take off your jewelry while doing some activities that involve movements, like sports or dancing. If not removed while doing activities it might cause some damage to jewelry. Take it off, keep it in a safe place like your jewelry box, do your activity, and wear it again. This way, the quality of the jewelry will remain intact and it won’t be damaged.
Don’t Go For Any “Special Jewelry Detergents”
There are many products in the market like jewelry cleaning detergents who claim that by using them your jewelry will shine like never before or it will last ages in the same condition. All of that is misleading. Most of these products when used not only do not clean the jewelry their chemicals fade the shine of the piece. Always go for the classic, tried, and tested methods to clean the jewelry as trying new products may affect your jewelry.
Be Gentle With Your Jewelry
It is very important to be gentle while handling your jewelry. Like while cleaning it or storing it. These jewelry are delicate little pieces of artifacts which if not taken care of with gentleness might infuse some damage upon them. When cleaning make sure that you do not use any harsh chemicals. Use a soft-bristled brush or cloth. Doing these small things will keep your jewelry intact and long-lasting.
Properly Cleaning and maintaining your jewelry is an important part of owning one. If not maintained the chances of it lasting long and that too with the same shine, spark, and aesthetic will reduce drastically. Hence this makes it a crucial aspect of owning a piece of jewelry. Therefore after following the procedure given in the article you can keep your jewelry safe and wear it for a longer period of time.