Marijuana is gaining more and more attention from the public and researchers today. Since the announcement of the new Narcotic Drugs Act B.E. 2562 on February 18, 2019, which allows cannabis to be used in cases of necessity for governmental, medical, treating patients. or study, research and development of medical research. Like many herbs, cannabis has both health benefits. And penalties if misused. This article is based on a compilation of reliable research evidence on the various chemicals found in cannabis extraction. Effects on kidney changes and kidney disease seen in cannabis use which the Nephrology Association of Thailand has realized and intends to publish so that patients with chronic non-communicable diseases and patients with kidney disease should be careful and know the knowledge correctly and use it in the right way. After buying CBD product from CBD shop Schweiz they give you all instruction.
In the human body, there are receptors for chemicals that resemble cannabis-like structures called cannabinoid receptors. These receptors are found mainly in the brain and nerves, making cannabis when taken. It has a predominantly depressant effect. But at the same time, it is found in other organs, including the kidneys, so exposure to chemicals from cannabis may affect the kidneys.
Two main cannabis-derived chemicals were used in the study and drug use: 1) Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 2) Cannabidiol (CBD shop Schweiz). Addictive It has the effect of depressing and hallucinating analgesia and also stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system, causing high blood pressure. Rapid pulse, THC can induce fibroids in the kidneys of rats, leading to decreased kidney function. Also found in diabetic nephropathy or nephritis, there is an increase in the production of cannabinoid receptors for THC. Therefore, based on these data, exposure to THC tends to affect renal function at high levels adversely. Lab rat, in contrast, CBD, which is also found in cannabis, is It has a sedative effect, causing sleepiness and is believed to reduce inflammation. This is because the binding specificity of CBD cannabinoid receptors differs from that of THC. All products available in CBD shop Schweiz.
Demographic data in the United States Tracking users of cannabis and medicinal cannabis extracts for five years found that the use of cannabis and medicinal cannabis, whether for relaxation or as a pain medication, was not associated with the development of acute renal failure and did not increase the likelihood of chronic renal failure.
Although the use of cannabis or drugs extracted from cannabis Will not affect kidney function, the benefits are unclear. Nephrologists do not recommend using cannabis to slow the progression of kidney disease. Also, if the patient has a need, Health should be closely monitored. This is because, as with other analgesic and sedative chemicals, such as morphine, in patients with impaired renal function increases the likelihood of drug toxicity. Received an overdose, more tired than usual and can interact with other medications. For cannabis oil, for which the ingredients are not identified, doctors do not recommend it, which was found to be reported after eating and liver failure—increased kidney failure from unknown reasons.
Cannabis and cannabis compounds have action mechanisms for the nervous system and kidneys. Currently, studies on the effects of cannabis chemicals on kidney function are linked to inflammation and fibrosis in the kidneys, but the exact mechanism is unknown. Medical marijuana has not yet been used to treat kidney disease. Should need to study more, although there is currently no evidence that marijuana use is associated with CKD. But people with chronic kidney disease should look for complications from cannabis use, especially its excessive neurotoxic effects. Medical marijuana use should have a drug safety monitoring system. This is an excellent Pharmacovigilance to determine the future benefits and side effects of the drug.