Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6, also known as Pyridoxine, is essential for the production of various proteins. and the production of neurotransmitters in the brain and nervous system It also helps accelerate the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids in the body.
What does vitamin B6 help with?
– Helps create serotonin, a hormone involved in brain and nervous system functions Help the brain function more normally.
– Helps to strengthen the immune system
– Helps prevent neurological diseases and many types of skin diseases
– Helps treat beriberi in hands and feet muscle spasms or cramps
– Help maintain sex hormone balance and reduce symptoms before menstruation.
Foods that contain vitamin B6
– Vitamin B6 is found in whole grains, bananas, carrots, avocados, spinach, beans, potatoes, cheese, milk, eggs, fish, meat and liver.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Vitamin B7, also known as Biotin and also known as Vitamin H, Biotin is an essential vitamin for the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. to be used as energy for the body However, our body can synthesize biotin on its own by bacteria in the gut. If you eat normally, your body will not lack biotin.
What does vitamin B7 help?
– Helps control blood sugar levels
– Helps to burn fat, protein and carbohydrates as energy.
– Helps prevent and maintain nails that are dry, brittle, and easy to tear.
– help nourish the hair reduce the lack of shedding
– Helps prevent premature gray hair
Foods that contain vitamin B7
– Vitamin B7 is found in egg yolks, soybeans, whole grains, cauliflower and offal.
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid / Folate)
Vitamin B9, also known as Folic Acid / Folate, is an important vitamin in the production of red blood cells. serves to transport oxygen throughout the body It is also important for the fetus. It is a vitamin that is very suitable for pregnant women.
What does vitamin B9 help with?
– Aids in cell reproduction and growth especially with the unborn baby thus helping to prevent disabilities of newborn babies
– Helps to enhance brain development
– Helps to build blood cells and help the blood cells to be stronger It can prevent anemia as well.
– Helps deliver fat from the liver Reduce the risk of fatty liver disease
– Stimulates appetite If the body is weak
– Helps nourish the skin Solve the problem of uneven skin tone
Foods that contain vitamin B9
– Vitamin B9 is found in green leafy vegetables, fruits, legumes, liver, egg yolks, grains, carrots, cantaloupe and pumpkin.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamin, also known as cyanocobalamin (Cyanocobalamin) by vitamin B12 is important in the process of red blood cell formation. It also helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. However, our body is unable to synthesize vitamin B12 by itself, so it is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamin B12 or supplements.
What does vitamin B12 help with?
– Helps the functioning of the brain and nervous system to be normal
– Helps to enhance growth and increase energy for the body.
– Helps to build red blood cells prevent anemia
– Improves concentration, memory and balance, prevents dementia
– Helps relieve irritability, reduce stress
– Reduces the risk of heart disease
Foods that contain vitamin B12
– Vitamin B12 is found in meat, seafood, fish, organs such as liver, kidneys, heart, etc., milk, cheese and eggs.
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